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Kessara Chan Motion Design
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Warum sprechen wir wieder über Antibiotika?
Warum sprechen wir oft über Antibiotika? Wir erklären es in nur einer Minute. Mehr Infos: /
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Nutri-Score : Comment ça marche ?
Tu trouves que les informations sur les emballages sont compliquées à déchiffrer ? Le Nutri-Score te guide lors de tes achats ! Ce label évalue la qualité nutritionnelle des produits au moyen d’une échelle colorée allant de A à E. Il est calculé à partir de la teneur en énergie et en nutriments favorables et défavorables des aliments. ❗ Petit rappel ❗ Quand tu vois le logo Nutri-Score, souviens-toi de deux choses : 📌 Le Nutri-Score est fait pour comparer des produits similaires ou d’une même catégorie, par exemple un yaourt avec un yaourt, mais pas un yaourt avec une pizza. 📌 Le score A ne signifie pas que l’aliment peut être consommé sans modération. Et inversement, un produit noté E n’est pas interdit. Plus d’information ici : #Nutrition #Nutriscore #PositiveFood #Mieuxmanger
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Wie halten Sie Hühner artgerecht?
Hühner sind beliebt. In der Schweiz gibt es schätzungsweise 70 000 private Hühnerhaltungen – und es werden immer mehr. Damit Hühner gesund bleiben, ist es wichtig, dass du ihre Bedürfnisse erfüllst. Mit diesen fünf Tipps bist du bei der Hühnerhaltung auf der sicheren Seite. Vergiss zudem nicht, dass du Hühner beim Kanton registrieren musst. 00:00 - Einführung 00:07 - Tipp 1: Ein geeignetes Gehege 00:35 - Tipp 2: Die Bedürfnisse der Hühner erfüllen 01:00 - Tipp 3: Hochwertiges Futter anbieten 01:23 - Tipp 4: Hühner gesund halten 01:39 - Tipp 5: Augen auf beim Hühnerkauf Weitere Infos unter
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ETH FOUNDATION: HIC foundraising campaign
ETH, one of the best university in Europe, is building a new hub where committed students and the entrepreneurial ETH community can inspire each other and come together in new projects. In order to increase awareness for the building and for their fundraising campaign, I designed, filmed and edited a video which explains what exactly is the ETH center for students and entrepreneurs. With cool, fresh, young and dynamic animations I wanted the video to the move seemingly from one scene to another. The color palette matches the microsite they created for the fundraising campaign as well as the shapes I used for transition and to display texts. More information about the campaign: More information about my work:
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Male birth Control
It’s 2019 and a lot of my male friends that like to be #ecofriendly in bed successfully managed not to have a kid yet. That’s great but don’t you feel guilty that women have to carry the #responsibility of #birthcontrol? Well, you should. Punks. Maybe it’s time that we, men, also get involved in #familyplanning and that we start using a #malecontraceptive ! Would you know which one are available for men? Wait…is there anything besides #condoms and #vasectomy? Watch my #animatedvideo to learn more about #malebirthcontrol. Keep sharing the love (safely and without making #baby by accident).
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UZH - Synapse and Trauma
This video is about how to deal with #trauma This #animatedvideo is about how #science is working hard every day in order to help people find a peace of mind. I grew up with the #60s #cartoons , in a way they shaped the animator I am today. I wanted to pay hommage to them as a thank you also for making me how I am.
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